
This is Serious Business

This is Serious Business #54: Trekin’ Out

We dive into Into Darkness, that’s right, I said into into.

Featuring: Ben, Laurie, Christin, Jeff

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This is Serious Business

This is Serious Business #51: The Great Debate

The panel talks “the future”, which X-Men movies suck and rock, and what makes for a good comic book movie.

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This is Serious Business

This is Serious Business #49: Everyone’s a Critic

After some unfortunate technical difficulties, the gang dives into nerd news, then discusses the merits of film criticism.

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This is Serious Business

This is Serious Business: One Year Anniversary Trivia Bash

All 9 regular podcast contributes assemble to battle it out for honor and glory (and nerd superiority). Drinks are involved and hijinks ensue.

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This is Serious Business

This is Serious Business: Pregame Edition

In preparation for our one year anniversary trivia battle, the topics are drafted, the participants are interviewed, and trash talk is had.

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